What special conditions apply to bring your spouses or registered partners, children, parents and relatives to Germany. What documents are required and how to obtain visas for your family members if you are officially working as a nurse in Germany.

Family Reunification in Germany for Nationals of Countries outside of the EU

family reunifacation photo
Working abroad has many advantages, but there are also some issues. The most worrying one is the separation from the family for a long period.

It makes sense that one of the main questions nursing professionals ask us at consultations is how and when it will be possible to bring their children and family with them to Germany.

Germany does issue visas for family reunification, but not everyone is qualified for a visa.The BAMF has different requirements for different categories of people, depending on which country the family enters from and what documents and rights you have.

In this article we explain how to obtain visa for your family members if you are officially working as a nurse in Germany.

Who is allowed to bring their relatives to Germany

In order to qualify for a family reunification visa, applicants must meet certain conditions. The requirements will differ depending on the status of the relative who resides in Germany.

Foreign medical professionals in Germany who have obtained - residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) or settlement permit (Niederlassungserlaubnis) have the right to bring family members from non-EU-countries.

Aufenthaltserlaubnis is a document that entitles you to a temporary extended stay in the country. It is issued to people who work in Germany. Nurses are mainly issued with this document and may eventually be granted Niederlassungserlaubnis.

Niederlassungserlaubnis is a permanent residence permit in Germany. You do not need to renew your Niederlassungserlaubnis from time to time with the BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees). You can live and work in Germany - indefinitely. In the long run, an officially employed nurse has a good chance of obtaining Niederlassungserlaubnis after 5 years of living and working in Germany.

With one of these types of documents, a person is entitled to Familiennachzug or legal entry of family members into the country.

All family members who enter Germany will need to obtain visas for entry and then start the process of obtaining a temporary long-term right of residence - Aufenthaltserlaubnis.

Is a person who works as a nurse entitled to bring their relatives to Germany?

If you are legally employed in Germany as a nurse and have concluded an employment contract, you already have at least Aufenthaltserlaubnis. This means that you can apply for reunification with your family members.

Being able to move your family to Germany is one of the main advantages of being legally employed. This is the reason why it is worth signing an employment contract and getting a job as a nurse legally.

Which family members are entitled to enter Germany

As much as you would like to bring all your relatives to Germany, including your parents, grandparents, or cousins, the programme has its limitations.

Familiennachzug primarily involves the entry of the husband/wife and children under 18. All other family members of a person who lives in Germany can only enter the country under certain conditions, called exceptions.

Entry into Germany for children

Children under the age of 16 are entitled to enter the country if their parent or parents are officially employed in Germany.

For children over the age of 16 the following conditions to enter Germany apply:

If the children move in with only one parent, there must be evidence that they have full custody.

Entering Germany for spouses

In order for your husband or wife to be entitled to enter Germany you must have proof of an official marriage or a registered partnership for same-sex couples.

It is possible for a spouse to move in with a person who has an Aufenthaltserlaubnis after two or more years of being officially authorised to stay in the country.

Entry to Germany for other relatives: Who else is entitled to enter?

You may also take your parents to Germany, provided that it is proven that they need your care, custody and support.

The same applies to other family members: brothers, sisters, grandparents etc. You will need to prove that any of these family members need to be with you for care or guardianship reasons. Otherwise, the visa is likely to be refused.

What you need to do to reunite your family

  • Getting a visa

Your family members need to apply for a visa. This application has to be submitted to the German embassy in your country.

In the application you need to specify a correct reason for getting a visa - family reunion.

  • Meet a number of requirements

One application is not enough to obtain the visa. There is also a list of requirements from the Migration Service:

  1. Make sure that the family member who is going to get a visa has a valid biometric passport.
  2. The person with whom the family member plans to be reunited in Germany is able to prove that he or she is able to support the newly arrived family member without claiming benefits.
  3. If a child is moving in, you must prove that the living conditions are acceptable. That is, your living space must be at least 10-12 square metres per child, depending on their age. Each region has its own requirements for these conditions.
  4. Family members also complete questionnaires and have a personal interview at the German embassy or consulate in their country of residence.
  5. The language requirements for applicants are from A1 level, but in fact, knowledge of at least B2 is of advantage and may influence a positive result in the issuance of a visa.
    If you have any questions about finding employment as a nurse in Germany and moving your family to Germany on this basis, make an appointment for a consultation and we will be happy to answer them.

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    February, 11 / 2022
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